DNF Controls 4040CL fast access clip conrol

Clip Control – Unlock the Power of your video server

CLIP CONTROL gives you control over one or more video server channels for random access to load and play clips stored on the video server.

Clip control is ideal for environments where the order of clip playout will change frequently. These changes may be due to a show’s content, such as
with game shows, talk shows, awards shows, and sports shows, or in response to late-breaking or unforeseen events, which are typical in news
and sports broadcasts.

Clip control gives you the power to merge prerecorded video clips with live production, harness the power of monitor walls and other display systems,
and load and play news segments, graphics, animations, highlights, and promos.

Clip control provides simple, precise, reliable, repeatable control over your video server in a fast-paced broadcast environment.

In a typical clip control workflow, you would:

  1. Press a Shotbox key to instantly access and load one clip or a group of clips.
    • Or, scroll through the list of clips in the server, select one, and load it.
    • Or, recall and load a learned (or saved) clip or a group of clips from a controller cue point.
  2. Press the PLAY key to play out one clip or synchronously roll multiple clips. Each clip will play to its end — or to an OUT
    point that you specify — and then stop.
  3. Select and load the next clip or group of clips to playout.

4040CL fast clip control features:

  • Views & recalls all available clips in the server with the push of a button.
  • Trimming and looping of clips available (protocol dependent).
  • Fast access to video clips: Enter cue point number, then load clip.
  • Fast access to fill clip and key clip combinations from a single cue point.
  • Controls up to 8 channels individually or ganged.
  • Learns 400 registers (or cue points) which contain single or multiple clips.
  • Quickly and easily re-assigns cue points.
  • Available in Louth and Odetics protocol.
  • Available options include PBIO, KBIO and T-Bar.